All posts in "Ocean"

My first swim event taught me plenty. It was the La Jolla Pier to Cove Swim, 1.5 ocean miles, mostly against the current and with seagrass/kelp as the biggest obstacle. My three most important learnings were: 1) Practice the Start. …
CommentOcean calm

Today the instructor was the ocean. It was my familiar stretch of DelRay Beach, the Atlantic Sure Dunes area. A respectfully “clean” beach however in 30 minutes I did fill half a kitchen size garbage bag. I only found 1…

If you’re not ready to give up eating seafood, be sure to eat seafood as sustainably as possible. You can learn which seafood to eat and which to avoid from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Get their Seafood Watch guide as…
CommentSea turtles on earth
for over 1 million years!

All sea turtles are now endangered. To save the thousands of sea turtle hatchlings from certain death in the oil contaminated Gulf of Mexico waters, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in conjunction with nonprofit organizations, other government agencies, and…
CommentSand eggs

Philinopsis pilsbryi is related to nudibranchs and variable in color. They live in sand and are responsible for laying some of the egg bubbles often seen attached to sandy surfaces. Photo by Jeanette Johnson,
CommentThe Ocean & You Are Alike

Waiting to be born, you floated in the ocean-like amniotic fluid of your mother’s uterus. Your blood plasma composition is similar to ocean water. At the turn of the 20th century, several people were revived from near-death using sea water….

This small colony of tunicates (20mm) that had taken up residence on a clump of algae. Tunicates have the distinction of starting out in a free swimming stage with a “notochord” which is related to a backbone but once they…
CommentEats Sleeping Fish

Kogomea Ovata (3-4mm) is a tiny shell species that feeds on sleeping fish. You may see over a dozen of them on a single fish at night. Photo by Jeanette Jonhson,
CommentWorld’s largest creatures eat the worlds’ smallest creatures – it all happens in the ocean!

The world’s largest animals rely on the world’s smallest creatures for food, and they are all in the ocean. The blue whale is the largest animal ever to live on this planet (yes, bigger than any dinosaur). Phytoplankton (plant plankton)…